BattleShip Game

Category: #projects

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BattleShip is a simple game where the player gets to find and sink all 3 battleships of his/her opponent. This game depends on the luck of the player as it is purely a guessing game. The player can choose to play against the AI or against another player. Or the bonus AI options that I've provided. First the player places 3 battleships on the 5x5 game board. The he/she tries to guess the location of the battleships of the opponent in a turn based manner.

This game was built using SimpleGUI module available in the Codeskulptor python. I initially had built a console version of this game while taking a course in Codecademy. Later I learnt to make GUI based programs using SimpleGUI while taking a course named Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python by Rice University at Coursera.

You can view the source code of the game by viewing the page source of the game page.

This game was last modified on 11:13 AM IST, 26/10/2014.  

CLICK HERE to Play the game.




Place battleship
Place battleship

Find the Ship
Find the Ship

Multiplayer Ship Placement


Written on November 15, 2015